Furzeham Primary School and Nursery celebrates learning and thinking with community event

June 5, 2024 12:01pm

Furzeham Primary and Nursery School's recent Celebration of Learning and Thinking event was a tremendous success. 

It served as a warm welcome to both current and new families to immerse themselves in their child's educational journey, witness their progress firsthand, and engage in the vibrant learning environment that the school cultivates. 

One of the event's highlights was the introduction of the "Mini Thinkers Drive Team," made up of pupils from Year 2 to Year 6.  

The Mini Thinkers drive team are dedicated to exploring and promoting the 16 habits of mind, actively engaging in projects that enhance their critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. 

These young minds displayed their recent projects and initiatives, which revolved around their recent logo designs representing the 16 habits of mind.  

Additionally, the school's catering team "Thinking Food," was on hand to not only tantalise taste buds but also provide valuable information on school meals. Their presence ensured that families could learn about the nutritious and delicious options available to support their child's well-being and learning journey. 

Furthermore, the participation of a representative from Brixham College offered invaluable insights for families who were exploring options for secondary education. Their presence underscored the school's commitment to nurturing students within its walls and to prepare them for the next steps in their academic journey. 

Most notably, the Celebration of Learning and Thinking was made exceptional by the collective support and enthusiasm shown by everyone in attendance.  

Claire Thompson, Deputy Head at Furzeham Primary School and Nursery commented:  

I am immensely proud of the success achieved at our recent Celebration of Learning and Thinking event. 

“It was lovely to witness the school community, including students, parents, guardians, teachers, and staff, come together to celebrate achievement, foster curiosity, and ignite a passion for lifelong learning.”