Furzeham Primary School and Nursery Joins Schwalbe UK in the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel Challenge.

April 18, 2024 09:54am

Furzeham Primary School and Nursery recently participated in the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel challenge with Schwalbe UK- the UK's biggest walking, wheeling, scooting, and cycling to school challenge. 

From March 11th to the 22nd of March 2024, Furzeham Primary and Nursery encouraged pupils to join in the fun and take part in the exciting initiative. Whether they walked, scooted, cycled, or wheeled, every journey to school counted! 

The challenge is more than just a way to get to school— it is a movement promoting active travel, reducing congestion, and fostering a healthier environment for all. By embracing alternative modes of transportation, our pupils not only stayed active but also made a positive impact on our community and the planet. 

Throughout the challenge period, Furzeham Primary and Nursery tracked their progress and celebrated each journey made by foot, scooter, or bike. The collective effort of the entire school community demonstrated their commitment to active travel and sustainability. 

This initiative perfectly aligns with Furzeham's ongoing commitment to promoting safe and sustainable travel options to and from school for its pupils. The school is part of the School Street scheme, which involves timed road closures around the school, aiming to create a safer environment for walking and cycling.  

By implementing measures to slow traffic within the school vicinity, Furzeham prioritises the safety and well-being of its pupils while encouraging active lifestyles. 

Paul Adams, Headteacher at Furzeham Primary commented: “Together, we are creating a brighter, healthier future for our students and our planet.  

“Seeing our pupils embrace walking, scooting, cycling, and wheeling to school not only fosters healthier habits but also infuses a sense of environmental responsibility. 

“Through initiatives like our School Street scheme, we aim to not only create safer routes to school but also embed healthy habits and promote environmental sustainability."