Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Intent

At Furzeham Primary School, we offer a curriculum which is broad, balanced and promotes a positive attitude to life-long learning. Our curriculum is built on being inspiring and inclusive with an over-arching desire to be excellent in all aspects of teaching and learning. It builds on the knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills of all children through sequential learning journeys, building coherence and progression regardless of their starting points.

The knowledge of our children and the coastal community in which they live, has shaped what we believe is an exciting, innovative and creative curriculum. It provides equality of opportunities to counter relative disadvantage/different starting points and meets the needs of all our learners. Our curriculum has high expectations to combine transferable skills, demonstrate a breadth of vocabulary, develop cross curricular links and provide bespoke challenge to all pupils. We have a continual eye on the future for our children and by continually re-shaping the curriculum through our key themes, this helps prepare them for the future and allows for a developing cultural capital.

Our key themes permeate every subject and unit of learning where it is meaningful and relevant.