Collective Worship

At Furzeham Primary School, we believe that Collective Worship plays an important role in the life of our school because it;

  • promotes a sense of ‘awe and wonder’
  • provides an opportunity to worship God
  • helps children experience and understand the nature and language of worship
  • encourages the adults and children in our school, to respect themselves and to respect others, their cultures, their differences and their opinions.
  • encourages them to reflect, think deeply and consider and express the emotions and ideas that relate to the their own beliefs and those of others
  • celebrates all aspects of school life, sharing the gifts and talents of our children
  • supports our whole school curriculum especially Personal and Social Education  and  helps children to make connections between Collective Worship/Re and other lessons
  • develops in our children a sense of care and tolerance and the courage to take responsibility for their own actions 
  • provides an opportunity for stillness and reflection in what is often a very busy, active day