
Maths at Furzeham Primary and Nursery school

Maths is taught everyday as a discrete subject as well as being incorporated in to foundation subjects, such as Science, History and PE where possible to develop cross curricular links.

As a school we use White Rose Hub to support our planning and delivery of the various elements of mathematics using models, images, practical experiences and written methods as well as allowing opportunities to discuss and share thinking building on reasoning and problem solving skills

Maths Resources

Times Tables

Times tables are vitally important in maths as they are part of so many areas, such as; fractions, division, multiplication and ratio and proportion to name a few.  Times tables has become a big focus in the new National Curriculum, stating that all children should know their tables up to 12x12 by the end of Year 4.  The government have also recently announced that they will be testing eleven year old’s on their recall of tables from 2017.  Please help you children by practising the tables, both in and out of order to help them gain instant recall.  Below are a variety of websites to help your children learn their tables in different ways: