
Science at Furzeham Primary and Nursery school

Science is taught in units through a combination of whole class teaching, group and individual work. The skills of observation, discussion, debate and research are encouraged. In order to ensure the children receive a balanced science curriculum, it is essential that elements from each of the Attainment Targets be taught each year, with particular emphasis on Scientific Enquiry.

During the Foundation Stage, children begin to explore the world around them, with specific science work covered through the early learning goal “Knowledge and Understanding of the World. Throughout our science teaching we hope that our children will develop a sense of awe and wonder about the world around them.



  • To develop an understanding of how humans, the world and the universe interrelate and interact.
  • To give children a fundamental understanding/awareness of how our world operates.


  • To develop in children an enquiring mind.
  • To develop in children skills of scientific investigation, reasoning and analysis.


  • To develop scientific attitudes such as flexibility, curiosity, respect for evidence and critical reflection.
  • To ensure that children view science as accessible to all.


The content of the Furzeham Primary School Science program will be based on the strands and sub-strands of the Science Curriculum and Standard Frameworks 2 document. These are:
Biological Science, Chemical Science, Earth & Space sciences and Physical Science.


The Science program will be taught through:

  • integrated units of work using science topics as host areas
  • hands on experiences
  • research projects
  • activities which encourage problem solving and critical thinking
  • use of strategies which support the Furzeham learning and teaching policy


The children’s progress will be assessed through teacher observation of student motivation and participation, and through different assessment tasks which reflect the understandings, skills and knowledge outcomes of each particular unit of work. These assessment tasks may take many forms among which may be:

  • cooperative tasks
  • oral/written explanations of work presented
  • activity reflection sheets
  • art work
  • pictorial representations
  • construction tasks


The program will be evaluated in an on going manner in terms of:

  • structure
  • suitability and sequence of content
  • outcomes achieved
  • interest of students/teachers
  • integration with other Curriculum and Standard Frameworks key learning areas
  • resources and equipment

It will be evaluated through:

  • staff discussions
  • teacher evaluations of units of work
  • regular curriculum audits
  • surveys of the wider school community