Ethos & Values

Inspired to learn, inspired for life

At Furzeham Primary and Nursery School we provide an inclusive secure, nurturing, high quality learning environment which inspires our children to develop life- long learning skills and enables them to achieve the best future outcomes.

Our expectations are high; offering excellent quality first teaching and an enriched broad curriculum which engages and excites children to drive their own learning with increasing independence.

Our Vision and Values

Our vision is for educational excellence. Teachers, children, staff and parents work actively in partnership to inspire those around us with a passion to be the very best of ourselves. Our values are fundamental expressions of what we think and believe. As a school we encourage children to be involved in the life and concern of the community and society, and so to develop their capacity to be active and effective future citizens. 

Our school pursues excellence in learning and teaching encouraging every child to seek and achieve their potential within a balanced and engaging curriculum with key values at the centre. To provide a relevant and innovative curriculum that inspires children to achieve their best.

We want our school to create an uncompromising passion for uncompromising excellence and high expectations. We foster responsibility and belonging for ourselves, others and our community, locally, nationally and globally. We collaborate together to provide a caring and supportive environment based on a spirit of cooperation between the school and the local community.

We engender resilience by allowing the pupils to take the learning into their own hands, developing responsibility for themselves. We teach our children to be successful independent learners who persevere, take risks and have a willingness to make mistakes. 

We believe in fostering respect, honesty and friendship in all children and adults alike developing integrity and compassion; valuing the worth of each individual. Celebrating success and nurturing self- esteem through the celebration of children achievements and fostering positive attitudes to all people, races, religions and ways of life, develop spiritually, morally, culturally celebrating equality and diversity.