
Safeguarding at Furzeham Primary and Nursery School

It is the responsibility of the whole school community to safeguard the health and well-being of all of our children. At Furzeham School we have in place a wide range of policies and procedures to help us to do this and we make sure that everyone, staff volunteers and governors, are trained and aware of their roles and responsibilities.

We adhere to a code of ethical conduct and volunteers are provided with ‘Helpers Information’ and everyone has a induction session when they are given a copy of the first part of the DfE ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ document’ to guide and inform. Policies, a copy of the ‘Keeping Safe’ document and the parent helper sheet are available on this web-site. Please see the other sections signposted within the Safeguarding tab on the web-site to find out more about what we do.

The school works in partnership with other agencies and we communicate regularly with them to ensure that we get the best overall picture of the children and the needs of their families. A section from one of our newsletters about sharing information is included in this section of the web-site. When there are concerns about the welfare of a child, we always discuss this with the parent first, unless we have reason to believe that there is a possibility of significant harm to the child if we do.

If you have a concern or wish to talk to someone about a safeguarding matter please contact:-

Mr Paul Adams – Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Hannah  Sloan - Designated Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Safeguarding Link Governors: Mr John Henley

Or if there are concerns about the Headteacher please contact the Chair of Governors – Mrs Mary Lennighan-Wood

all via the school office on 01803 853347 or

If you are unable to contact the school and have serious concerns about a child please contact Children’s Social Care directly on 01803 208100 or out of hours on 03004564876

Further Information and Help