What is Special Educational Needs (SEN)?

All pupils have individual interests, needs, strengths and next steps. Usually, in a mainstream school, these are met through Quality First Teaching by the class teacher so that each child makes progress towards achieving Age Related Expectations. A child or young person has a SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which is a barrier to learning and calls for special educational provision to be made for them.

How do I find out about the support, provision and progress of my child?

All teachers are teachers of pupils with special educational needs and the Class Teacher, who knows the child best, should be the first port of call for parents. In addition, the SENDCO can provide support about a child’s needs, progress and support.)Every half term, an Individual Support Plan (ISP) is created so that the child’s progress and support is reviewed and next steps discussed and planned. These are shared with parents termly.

What is the role of the SENDCO?

A SENDCO oversees and coordinates the support, intervention, provision and progress of all pupils on the SEN register. This includes:

  • Advice and support for staff and parents
  • Observations and diagnostic assessments
  • Monitoring progress of pupils with SEND
  • Referrals to other agencies for advice
  • Providing information and reports for other agencies
  • Record keeping
  • Training and professional development
  • Additional resources
  • Transition to or from school to another setting
  • SEND policy and Local Offer

SENDCo: Miss S. James

Contact: 01803 853347



How do I find out about the support available in school and within Torbay?

Please note: Currently there is approximately a wait of a year for some referral appointments.

Play Torbay -

`Tissues and Issues` is a parent support group to provide social support and access to information and guidance for parents and carers of young people who have a recognised disability or additional need or waiting diagnosis.


Tel: 0779647009 or 07890990905

Open minds which is a service for Emotional wellbeing support for children, young people and families: or contact them for a free 15min chat on 07968247345 or 01392 882036

Request for Health Assessment information

Useful Links - SEND