Our Staff

Staffing Roles & Responsibility

Head Teacher, DSL

Paul Adams

Deputy Head teacher, Head of teaching and learning

Claire Thompson

Senior Leadership Team / Phase Leader

Debbie Hewitt

Senior Leadership Team / Phase Leader

Rachel Shears

Senior Leadership Team / EYFS Phase Leader

Hannah Armstrong

Senior Leadership Team / SEND

Miss Shears

Office Manager

Mrs O'Flaherty

DDSL & Attendance Lead

Mrs Cunnew

Admin Team

Mrs O’Flaherty, Mrs Greenwood, Mrs McPartlan-Morey

Our Site Team

Mr Gardner, Mrs Nash, Mrs Rendell &    Mrs Jarvis

MTA Supervisor

Mrs Stoneman

Our MTA team

Mrs Graves, Mrs Ozolina, Mrs Shepherd, Miss Howell, Mrs Masters and Miss Wright.

We also have a large support staff team including, teaching assistants, High Level Teaching Assistants and intervention staff. 

Teaching Staff

Teaching Assistants

Miss C Wilkinson

Year 6               

Mrs Tooley

Miss H Thompson

Year 5

Mrs Hopper 

Mr Ward

Year 4/5

Mrs Graves

Mrs D Hewitt 

(Lower KS2 Phase Leader)

Year 3 & 4

Mrs Shipton

Miss E Carwithen                 

Year 3 & 4

Mrs Hall

Miss R Shears

(KS1 Phase Leader)

Year 2

Mrs Welch

Mr R Bennett

Year 1

Mrs Strange

Miss Armstrong

(EYFS phase leader)

Year R

Mrs Rendell

Mrs Bevan


Miss Howell

Shaun LangdonPE and Sports Leader 

Children leading

Children in our school hold a variety of roles that help them make a contribution to our community. These roles include acting as School Councillors and Sports Leaders and we are developing our digital leaders. Every child and adult in the community thinks of themselves as a citizen of Furzeham Primary School, and every citizen is equally valued and respected; participates in their own and others’ learning; feels safe and protected from harm; and has their voice heard. As citizens of Furzeham Primary we recognise our responsibility to be positive role models and to demonstrate through our words and actions that we are proud of ourselves, proud of each other and proud of our school.

Our school motto; ‘Treat others as you would like to be treated’