Pastoral Care & Thrive

Pastoral Provision at Furzeham Primary & Nursery School

At Furzeham Primary School we have staff who work within the Pastoral Team. We are inclusive in our approach, providing an enriching learning environment that enables all children to be the best they can be. The team provides 1:1, group intervention and in class support to children with additional pastoral needs. Children’s emotional, social and mental health needs are addressed within a caring, supportive environment in order to develop their learning skills.

We offer THRIVE, Anger Management, Lego Therapy and regular checking in with children across the school. Children are able to access a key adult in school who they can talk to and discuss any problems or issues they may be having. We have two trained THRIVE practitioners who assess and deliver THRIVE interventions.

We deliver a range of individual, group and whole class provision and where necessary, referrals to outside agencies The needs are identified by contact from professionals outside of school e.g. social care or health. They are also identified by staff within the school setting, or parents, who will raise any concerns with the SENDCo/Pastoral Lead and a criteria is followed to identify which intervention will be the most suitable in order to meet the needs of the child .Reports and advice is shared with both parents and teaching staff to ensure implementation beyond the interventions.

Pastoral Team

Miss Shears: SENDCo 

Miss James: Pastoral Lead teacher

Mr Ward: DDSL & MHST lead teacher

Mrs Hall-Green: THRIVE practitioner

Support for the well-being of children and families

Mr Adams, Miss Shears, Mrs Hall-Green are all part of the pastoral team. At any point in time a child may experience difficulties which impact on their emotions, behaviour or capacity to learn. At Furzeham School we offer a range of support which is planned to help the child and their families. Please talk to one of the team or leave a message through the school office if you would like to talk to someone in confidence, in a caring, friendly environment.


THRIVE support 

This might be whole class, in small groups or on a 1-1 basis depending on the needs of the child/children. We have two trained THRIVE practitioner in school and several staff who deliver the programme and a dedicated space to work in.  The THRIVE programme is designed to diagnose and create a plan to support children who have experienced  interruptions in their emotional development through practical fun activities which are shared with home as well as school.


Early Help

We are able to support parents to access a wide range of services and groups in the local area. Some of the services offer practical help with such things as housing or financial advice, some offer contact points or groups to join with others of a similar interest or need and others signpost parents to lots more besides.


Bespoke pastoral programmes

These sessions are designed to support children and their families who are experiencing significant loss or trauma related to things that have happened outside school but are impacting on them emotionally. Each programme is chosen, designed or tweaked to meet the needs of the child.

Useful links and information

Request for Health Assessment information